today's entry revolves around my perspectives on somebody that i'm in debt forever, because of many things he gave me, which i'll treasure for the rest of my life...
He is nobody to many people, but to me, he's one of the man i've looked up to during my early years of childhood. well, living with him for quite number of years was clearly the biggest influence but the dedication he put in everything he does, the way he treats people earns him respects of those around him but never once gamble his principle on life. he may not have all the money in the world. the hardship have taught him on becoming a better person and how he tried his best to make us understand better of this complicated little world we live in.
WHO is this Majid? he is my beloved grandpa which already passed away but living a legacy of spirited souls behind him to make us realize that even though life falls hard on you, even there are dark clouds in front of you coming, try hard to fight the odds and try hard to find the lights.
He taught me and the rests of our family members. and the most important thing is : to have faith in ALLAH in both good and bad times...
ATUK, i owe you a big favour of this lessons you gave me and only ALLAH can repay your kindness...