Monday, December 6, 2010

~ I N S P I R A T I O N ~

today's entry revolves around my perspectives on somebody that i'm in debt forever, because of many things he gave me, which i'll treasure for the rest of my life...

He is nobody to many people, but to me, he's one of the man i've looked up to during my early years of childhood. well, living with him for quite number of years was clearly the biggest influence but the dedication he put in everything he does, the way he treats people earns him respects of those around him but never once gamble his principle on life. he may not have all the money in the world. the hardship have taught him on becoming a better person and how he tried his best to make us understand better of this complicated little world we live in.

WHO is this Majid? he is my beloved grandpa which already passed away but living a legacy of spirited souls behind him to make us realize that even though life falls hard on you, even there are dark clouds in front of you coming, try hard to fight the odds and try hard to find the lights.
He taught me and the rests of our family members. and the most important thing is : to have faith in ALLAH in both good and bad times...

ATUK, i owe you a big favour of this lessons you gave me and only ALLAH can repay your kindness...


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

liKE a g6

i'm kind of intoxicating with a track named ; like a g6...
but to be frank, my entry got nothing to do with the song though... =P
but the song does embodies the life i'm going through; pretty fast like the g6, huh!
for those who are thinking, what is this g6 thingy? it was a jet...

moving along to my current life where this holiday wasn't like any other i've experienced before,
firstly, i'm (funnily) a bit busy, where i got to settle a few things which rarely happens before this as my holiday suppose to be plain boring, but it looks that my life has changes into a new leaf i guess...
in fact, later on today i'll be going to jitra to attend a camp which sadly i'm lacking the information about the programme but i should look at it as an opportunity of getting out of MY comfort zone...
yup, i was going and even though i haven't started packing yet, i think i'll still can pull it, tomorrow of course! =)

okay, i'm not going to nag more but what i think i learnt from this holiday is to take chances that is offered to us, even when we are in our most comforting area as the opportunity that may come our way will only arrives once in a life time... because lightning rarely strike twice!
honestly, i'm not feeling like going to the camp but who knows may be ALLAH will give me a valuable lesson along the journey that i can spread to others in the future, may be not much but we will never know right?

alright, it's almost 2 in the morning and i guess its time for me to have a good rest for my next adventure....
InsyaAllah, if we stay positive, i believe that the outcome also will stay that way...

until the next post,
SALAM... ; )

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

uni life!

here to meet, again!
it' been (this time around i'm not sure =p) quite some time...
even though the finals are sooo000ooo near, i just couldn't resist to write after such a long time...

life here in uni is 360 degrees totally different than before, or i'm the one who just bragging? haha, i couldn't make it out either, but one thing for sure is TIME does fly so, so, so, so,........ fast! i couldn't even believe that the first semester is almost over, with all the new friends, assignments, fieldwork, + emotional ups & downs that definitely colored my life, but this small, unimportant things that sometimes shape us into something that we couldn't understand ourselves...

aha, i just remember what my brother's said about me being busy, & that's weird because i always known to become a busy fella (self-conscious statement =p).
i know that those co-curricular activities wasn't any important, but i couldn't resist the temptation of participating into some kind of activity, especially in college ... huhu

but what is more important for me is to strike a BALANCE, pray for me to have it...

every challenge you face is another door to explore your new talents and potentials, so let's embrace it with a high spirit & soul!

Friday, June 18, 2010


another entry yet to be written, of course by me!

it's about 8 months since i last posted an entry, therefore i vow to write more on my blog [ eventhough i don't think people would even care i'm posting an entry or not, haha doesn't matter anyway :] ]

it's good to see your thoughts written, as if it reflects my personality...
because i think we can see people personality seen through the way they write, and sometimes, even speaking.

okay, enough about that.
now, it's time to change the mind-setting on the world, as i'm now entering the new chapter of my life, yet ~ UNIVERSITY!

totally will be challenging, tough & crazy roller-coaster ride, but i hope i'm ready...
